It's been a great spring for me crappie fishing this year but I'm hanging it up. My last trip was this past Saturday morning. Was on the ramp at daylight and fished until about 10:30 AM. By that time it was heating up and I was starting to sweat. I decided to call it a day and quit with 58 on the clicker.

Saturday was an enjoyable trip and the end to an unbelievable season for me. With the summer heat beginning to bear down I'm "retiring" again...this time giving my boat, me, and the fish a rest. The fish are still biting but the heat takes ALOT of the fun out of the fishing trips for me. As much as Ive been able to fish since retirement last November it has been nothing but fun. Who woulda EVER thunk after retiring from public work that you can literally go fishing ANY TIME YOU WANT TO!!

Sure, I'm gonna get "that itch" from time to time and when I do I'll probably drag the boat out and get that itched scratched a little. Not really all that interested in night fishing anymore so I'm gonna devote some time working on the food plots and the deer hunting areas and spend some time with the Mrs on a vacation or two. Not to even mention spending more time with the grand babies.

So you guys keep posting about your trips and I'll live thru your times on the water for awhile. And everybody just be safe 'cause we all know the "crazies" are out there from now thru Labor Day weekend!