Quote Originally Posted by gabowman View Post
Usually the tell-tale signs whether grass shrimp is in a particular creek is the brown in crappies bellies and the shed "skins" floating on top of the water where the shrimp are at. It doesnt take green vegetation for the shrimps to be there. I honestly dont know what draws them unless they just hatched from out of the mud in a certain part of the lake. I find fish feeding on them in the same areas as I usually fish pre-spawn and post-spawn in depths of water @ the 10'-20' depth of water ranges. And usually it's the beginning of May when I notice theyre there. I fish as much as I can during the month of May and once the water surface his 80* at first light I'm done fishing until the weather/water cools off again in the fall. By this time of the year alot of the parts of the lake I enjoy fishing (20' deep or shallower) is lacking oxygen and the fish are headed towards deeper waters back onto the brush to avoid the heat and hunting cooler water.

Now.......probably none of what I just stated holds any truth to it since the night bite says everything I just said is a lie, but it's my reasoning for what I do and when I do it and it works for me!
That's interesting. I've seen the floating "skins" I think you are talking about. I mistakenly assumed it was something from mayfly larvae, not knowing what they were. Interestingly I have mainly seen the brown "skins" floating in the mid lake big water at Murray in July and early August on the wind blown sides. Usually when I see them, there will be loads of herring around and of course that brings the stripers.