So, I was telling a friend of mine who is a charter captain down in Charleston about our boating wreck on Lake Norman. We got to the end of the story when he asked; "how many people saw it and how many boats came to help?" My response was that at least 8-10 boats saw the wreck, but only one guy in a canoe came over to help. He was in utter disbelief, and trust me at the time of the wreck I was too. There were no less than 4-5 boats with cell phones taking pictures and video, but no one came to render aid.
To his point and my question. He claims that there is a federal law that if you witness, or are in the area of a boating accident, you are required by law to render aid. Now that seems like a reasonable law, but I can't find any information on that on the USCG page. Not trying to get the boaters and fishermen in the area fined or in trouble, just wondering if anyone out there knows or can cite this law?