As you may have seen the Clash is being moved to Buster Boyd Ramp on Sept. 21st. The Ebenezer Ramp will be shut down till next spring.
But the show will go on. As announced a while back we have a great friend and supporter gonna cook up a hash supper for us. We will meet at the ramp around 4:00 p.m. Start the feedbag bout 5:00. A short meeting of rules for the night.
And then it will be on.
Mr. Monk is providing the hash.If you want anything to go with it bring it on. We will have bowls, plates or whatever. Spoons, forks will be there.
Bring your own drinks ,cups, and ice. That way we know everyone gets what they prefer. Hope this helps the N.C. turnout a bit. It is right on the state line . Fish one side for N.C. and other side for S.C. Remember that either state wont recognize other states license. Somebody will point you in the right direction for the state you want to fish in.
So lets start a list of who and how many will be coming out. All friends and family are invited.
Just make sure everyone on your boat has a PFD ! And in S.C. if it is one of those self inflate type .It must be worn to count as one for the boat. Don't know bout N.C.
So lets get a crowd up and go fishin !

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