OK Boys and girls. It is soon gonna be three in a row for the SC Team. Nov. 14 out of Buster Boyd Ramp. Gonna have to bring your big boy pants to take this one. Load up the boat and come on down for the fun and do-nut eatin. (newly , You are bringin do-nuts right ? ). We always have a great time at this event. Nothing like some good old fashioned bull jive and smack talk among friends. Gonna be a nightstalk. From 6:30 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. Weigh in starts at 1:45. If you aint at the ramp by 1:30 you wont get to weigh. Hope to have a few prizes to give away. If ya got anything to donate give a shout. Working on the trophy. Should it be a big # 3 on it or We got ya again ? Also that day at the ramp Catawba Catfish Club has a tourney. They blast off at 6:00 a.m. and will fish till 3:00 p.m. Weigh in at 4:00 I think. If ya wanna come out early and see some Wylie monster cats you will be welcome. But lets get a big turnout for our state rivalry here and catch some big ole slabs !