Fishing is supposed to be fun. Common and simple courtesy goes a long way to prevent such things. If someone is fishing on the bank, or tied up in the back of a cove, or like myself who loves to fish docks and the people are using that dock, just give them the respect they deserve. Yes I do have the entire lake, and each day the fish are on a different pattern or location generally. I have caught lots of fish, so I would rather just be courteous. Having said that, this comes with age, when I was young and some yahoo threw a buzzbait past my bow, there would be an attempt to drown them. Once I was shooting docks for crappie and this guy sitting up in his kitchen in his house eating breakfast came walking down all red faced and informed me that this was his dock and those were his brush piles. I was trespassing and yada, yada, yada. I asked him if he needed a quarter to call someone who really cares. Lordy.......hey I was young then. Now I would just apologize and move on, it is not worth it. Like has been said, I do have the whole lake and it is a big lake. Kit