This is some kind of report. But here goes jakes been wanting to go bass fishing in a serious manner for a couple of years, I've been putting in off till he got older and developed more patience , as we know Bass fishing it seems like its feast or famine . Well today was the big day, we were going to launch around 6 and I figured fish till dark. We was getting some cloud cover to I bumped up the time, we launched at 3 big mistake it was hot. We fished till 8 and caught 1 bass on a spinnerbaits. I told him we were quoting when we should be starting . Only 1 fish but we had fun, talked I showed him how to work different lures. Tried to explain with line strength to use with the different lures and that sort of stuff. No we didn't catch fish but had just as much fun as if we loaded the boat. Lol. I told this was a weird report.