Quote Originally Posted by Rojo View Post
Here is my experience with Wax deposits. Engines I serviced that bought their fuel from the local Marina, same said engines that the boat owner never, ever, ran the tank down on fuel but just topped it up when coming in, those engines would have the waxy deposits in the carbs see here. So not only do you clean the carb bowls, jets, etc but be sure and clean the passage between the stripped Main Jet to the Venturi because the wax loves to build up in that vertical passage, layer upon layer, till it starts starving the engine for fuel under a load. 2 Stroke engines risk Lean Burning a Piston. My
Darn waxy buildup! They should be using lemon pledge, right! J/k

Good to know. Wonder if cars are like that too. Wifey likes to keep full tank, and I always tell her I use my whole tank, top to almost bottom, I wait till it roughly hits a quarter tank or slightly lower. Yeah I know supposably you should fill up earlier cause fuel injection cools the fuel pump with fuel, but it has enough to cool it still. IMHO

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