I've read posts here and elsewhere, I've watched videos, I've tried to tweak my settings, but I just can't get my Lowrance Hook 2 Reveal TS to work the way I see on videos or on others' screenshots. I typically fish a fairly deep lake, but typically I'm using the side scan in 10-40 feet of water or thereabouts. I have it set on 800khz, A+2 or A=3 contrast setting, I had been using a range of 100 or 120 feet mostly, but after doing a lot of research and reading, I mostly used 40, 50 or 60 foot side scan range today. I THINK that it's working mostly OK. I see the bright line right at the transom in the middle of the screen and I can occasionally see brush, rocks, etc. off to the side, but I scanned probably 30 or 40 docks today and not only did I not see any fish that I'm sure were fish, but I can't even see the floats on the dock or see pontoons or anything like that. I can drive past a floating dock with a boat lift or even a boat in it and see NOTHING on my screen that would indicate that I'm driving past a dock or a boat.

I'm probably just going to have to find someone local that really knows what they're doing and beg them to go out on my boat and troubleshoot my system for me, but can anyone think of anything that I might be doing wrong that would cause this? Perhaps the TS transducer isn't set up right, but my downscan and sonar work fine and side scan seems to be mostly working, so I really don't think it's a transducer issue. Then again, maybe it is.......

Really frustrating. I'm trying hard to learn how to use my electronics to become a more effective, efficient and productive crappie angler, but right now the side scan isn't ANY benefit to me.