Quote Originally Posted by justinp61 View Post
As mentioned, the transducer needs to be parallel with the waters surface. How shallow is the water you were scanning in? If your transducer is mounted correctly back the range up to 40-50' and try it again
This is a deep lake, but most of the docks I've been scanning have been in 15-30 feet of water I'd guess. I did switch back to 455 Khz yesterday and was able to start seeing the dock floats and boat lifts at least. I didn't mark anything that I presumed to be crappie under the docks, but it was a really windy day and I didn't make a very concerted effort at it. I may head to a lake next week that has a MUCH healthier crappie population, just so I can spend some time staring at side scan and figuring it all out. For what it's worth, I did scan at 40-50 feet almost all the time. Occasionally if I was in really deep water I'd switch to 60 feet, but that was the upper limit and that was rare.