First question: Did I see the water levels were way down on Marion? Seems I saw an article or YouTube or something a couple weeks back and meant to refer back to it but couldn't find it.

Second question: I was watching a YouTube of a professional guide on a public lake (don't want to say which one) who was making a video of himself sinking brush for a brushpile. But in his commentary he said along the lines of,

"Some people want to ride around looking for brushpiles instead of putting in the work to build 'em, and then fish the ones they find." "I'm not saying there's any law against it, because there's not, it's fair game." "But it tells you something about the person and the type fisherman they are if they'll fish another man's brushpile."

In essence, questioning the character of a person who "would fish another man's brushpile".

Now the reason I bring this up, never in my life, even as a boy being mentored by adults, have I even heard the suggestion that there was some question with fishing ANY brush you happened upon. It was normal to try and find docks particularly, that had brush on it.

And even now, I don't have any idea how a person is supposed to look at their sonar and distinguish between natural brush, or that which was put there. At least I don't know how. Further, I've never heard it suggested that sinking brush in a public lake made that spot your personal domain.

Or did my parents miss something and fail in my upbringing?