I got to fish for 5 full days and a few hours prior. The water on the Margaree was extremely high. This made wadding very difficult at best. Swing wets were tough do to the high water wading. Enough complaining. I hooked one Atlantic salmon in about 40 hrs of fishing. It came out of the water and was gone in a few seconds. My friend Doug hooked one on a Bomer and landed a 12 lber. I did catch several medium sized wild brook trout on dry fys. This is a fairly large river and only trceives about 2,100 salmon a year. Touring the Cape Brenton area was interesting. The celtic influence was still in the people and we visited many places to learn there history and music. Most of the area is very rural and the general food store is also the hardware store and so on. There is a few Walmarts in the larger cities but very few and far between. I was reminded as it was when I started to grow up in the late 50s.