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Thread: Spoons

  1. #1
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    Question Spoons

    I am new to trout fishing. I have been a couple times on the Little Red River here in Arkansas. It is clear, and kinda fast moving. I got a couple lil cleos and rooster tails. I have not had so much as a bite. I really have no idea what I am doin, so I am looking for a little guidance. I don't care to use live bait. I thought about trying some marshmallows or some power bait. i have seen people catching trout with spoons, but I don't know what I am not doing.


  2. #2
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    Hello, usually rooster tail spinners will work good. I like the yellow coach dog pattern. If you are gooing to try spoons try one with a little red on it. I use sutton spoons mostly , but I fish in a lake for trout, I don't know how they will work in a stream.

  3. #3
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    Thanks, I will pick up a couple roostertails. It can't hurt. lol

  4. #4
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    Make sure the line you're using is light and clear. I recommend 4lb mono. I've seen people fishing side by side on that river and one will be catching one after another while the other isn't having any luck at all fishing the same bait, but with heavier line or braid.

    I'll second the recommendation for Roostertails - they are very good. Powerbait eggs usually work extremely well on the Little Red. Start with chartruese and then switch to red if they aren't killing the chartruese. Use a salmon egg hook with a bb sized split shot about a foot up the line. Cast straight across the current and let it drift along. I've never used marshmallows there, but I've heard of people catching them with 'em. I've caught some trout on the Spring river with Little Cleos, so I know trout will hit them, but I haven't ever tried one on the Little Red.

  5. #5
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    I live in WV and have alot of experience trout fishing on fast moving, clearwater streams for both stocked trout and natives. My trout go-to lures, in order, are :

    -Pink salmon eggs: They slowly sink, almost nuetral boyancy good to throw into waterflow that will sweep it into a pool that trout are holding in
    -Pink/natural trout magnets: Supposed to be fished under small bobber, good for deeper moving water and pools...but I'll often drift float them like mentioned above with no bobber
    -Yellow corn flavored powerbait: Especially good for trout eating off the surface since it in moving water or drift into holes like above
    -Corn: Plain old corn in a can, sometimes its easier to let them dry a little in the sun. Sometimes if the fish aren't biting anything else, they will tear this up!
    -Very small natural looking inline fly spinners: Very small so they don't sink too fast and get snagged. Good for large or deep pools holding fish. You can even fish them across riffles but I think trout are often a little leary of that presentation
    -If nothing else is working, then I might try a rooster tail in larger pools or even a small floating cricket on a shaded slow part of the stream

    I love rooster tails, and my largest rainbow ever was taken on a red/black roostertail on the Cranberry River in WV.....but I threw everything else at them before this one took it. Problem with rooster tails are that they are a little difficult to fish in the riffles and fast moving water therefore I haven't caught alot of trout on them....although I suspect the Red is a little slower than most trout streams I fish, so it could work ok. I have never caught a trout on a spoon (I know lake trout will eat 'em).

    I have a friend who fishes the Red with the owner/inventor of the trout magnet and he says they work wonders on the Red. Just the other day he told me of a time they were floating it and came aross some downtrodden anglers who haven't had any luck. He asked if he could toss a line where they were fishing since they weren't having any luck and they said it was ok. First cast and they caught one right infront of the fellas.....they proceeded to give them some trout magnets and moved on.

    Make an extra effort to fish where no one else does, I swear this is the number one factor in catching fish. Approach the stream (unless floating) quietly with a low profile and don't wear bright colors. Don't cast a shadow on them either. They (especially brook trout) like aerated water, so pools at waterfalls or at confluences are good, and fish the seams and where water is funneled into small pools. Try to fish the northernmost side of the river and/or places that are shaded from the sun and I find the best approach is to let the water do the work for you....i.e. cast above the fish and let it get swept towards and past them with little to no action from you and your rod. If you are releasing, then handle them gently and don't just toss them back into the water, that can damage their airbladder and kill the fish.

    Use a small hook and a light 2 or 4 lb clear line. I fish with an Ultra light open face spinning reel set up.....small enough to crawl through rhododendron and such and get to difficult to reach places. This next week I will be summer fishing for natives, and I'll be using 2lb clear and probably mostly small inline spinnerbugs.

    Hope this helps
    Learn to not run from your problems....except when your problems are giant boars.

  6. #6
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    Thanks for the info guys. I havent had a chance to get back out because of work, but I plan on trying next week. I will try these tips. Thanks again

    Bobby Joe

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