For what ever reason we can`t get the fish to make it to the cooler! :o Many of them had the hooks come loose as soon as they were in the net, some were foul hooked under the chin, and a few hooks came in with scales
It was still good fishing with plenty of action. I set up in the morning in 55` a mile South of the line and ventured from there out to 105` staying in the same general area throughout the morning. The `riggers white/white, Smoke/ lil` boy blue down 35` and 42`, Smurf/ Hot Lobster down 45` and 55` stayed in the program. #1 wire dipseys out 90` and 110` with chrome/ white and white/ green also had a good number of hits. The lead had a Carlson Real Image white alewife. Speed was 2.2 MPH at the ball, with a slight West to East current. They all took hits and as mentioned the problem was keeping them on. We ended up 13/25 with some nice Kings and a big `Bo inching it`s way to the 14# mark. The bigger fish make the "OK" fish look like dinks.

For the afternoon I ventured North with a family from Southern Illinois on their way back from Minnesota. The West winds were howling and it made for an interesting outing with a few tangles I`d like to forget :roll: We again had problems getting the fish to the net, I believe we started off 0 for 6 or something like that. Speed and boat control was tough, but anywhere from 1.8-2.5 on the GPS worked, it all depended on direction. I ran the same spread as the morning, staying between 60` and 110` a mile North of the line, all the rods saw action. We only had one 4 yr. old make it to the box along with another decent `Bo. One true "Dink" took the Carlson spoon and had all 3 hooks buried in it`s small mouth, too bad a few of the bigger fish we had on didn`t bite as well. We ended up 15 for at least 25 leaving the gulls to look elsewhere for an easy meal putting the small Chinook on ice.

I`m heading up now for a few days and I hope the weather cooperates. Right now it`s not looking too good for tomorrow, and these winds will change the entire program.

Good Luck if you`re able to get out

"Wet Nets"
Captain Jim