If some of you guys who are experienced with Powder Paint could give me some guidance, I would really be grateful. I have only painted jigs a few times, probably 5 times or less, so there is a lot I don’t know. If you can help with any of these questions, please do so.

1 When I Powder Paint, the jig will often look darker than the powder in the jar. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? If I’m doing something wrong, please tell me what it is.

2 I use a Wagner heat gun and hold a 1/16th ounce jig head right at the nozzle for about 10 seconds. Less for a 1/32 ounce because the lead will melt off the hook that quick. I watched a video yesterday where the guy was heating his jigs with a small “torch” he called it, for about 3 seconds. How long do you heat your jig heads with a heat gun?

3 How much paint do you put in your fluid beds? A quarter full, half filled, 3/4 filled, etc?

4 What color of Pro Tec powder paint would you recommend for a jig head that is sky blue rather than royal blue?

I REALLY would like to hear from some of you guys. Thanks in advance.