I poured some 1/16 & 1/32 oz jigs today in my old jig mold & they turned out OK. I had some #4 Mustad hooks & some Matsuo #4 & #6 sickle hooks which I had never used before. This was also my first time to use the Palmer Hot Pot 2 and it worked well. I DID buy a Lee ladle so that I don't have to try to pour out of the Palmer & that worked really well.

But I had less than perfect success with the Powder Paint, however. Some of them turned out really good and others not so good. I'm going to have to repaint some of them. I was using a candle to heat the jig heads and there was a bit of a breeze blowing into the carport which, I think, resulted in some of the heads not getting hot enough. I held the jigs by the eye with a pair of forceps but some of them still got paint in the eye. I would hold them over a candle for about 10 seconds, then dip them in the paint, then hold them over the candle again & dip them a second time. Then I put them in the toaster oven and let them cook at about 350 for 30 minutes. Taking them out of the forceps resulted in some LLOONNGG strings of paint but they didn't show up in the finished product.

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