Something not mentioned yet are the pro molds. I have a few in the most used sizes and styles and they work much better. The sprue has a smaller gate , or the funnel into the mold itself is slightly narrower, making it easier and cleaner to break off the excess when finished. It's money well spent, and you won't regret the expense. Mine also fit together better creating less flash and related trimming. I get almost no extra work after the pour. I have them in 1/32, 1/16, 1/8 and both barbed and ball head. The one size of each mold is a good addition to have but will get frustrating to use in comparison to the pro's. I had some molds that had 4 of each and they do ok but mine needed lots of trimming of flash when done, a looser fit. This is just some input, trying to give you options. If you use, say, 1/16 barbed collar, try that on in a pro before you gather a bunch of molds and have to sell them later. I had around 20 molds at one time and now have 11 or 12 that keep my time at the bench to a minimum. Also be careful of buying hooks and things that you "might" need, I have some I haven't touched since they arrived in the mail. Good luck with it all, it's a ton of fun.