Looks Like we've firmed up the dates for our 2012 shindig. The dates are Oct. 5th, 6th, & 7th. I will again host the event at Big Bear Resort Camp Ground, Lot 73.

Friday will be a "Meet & Greet," with a pot luck supper. We will try to have a friendly Tournament Saturday, followed by a fish fry. Sunday will be a recovery day!

As always we will try to have door prizes for all crappie.com members that attend.

All are welcome.

I'm asking this year, (if you care to but not required) to bring a non-perishable donation, to be given to Marth's Vinyard. Martha's Vinyard is a great local, not for profit charity, that feeds 1000's of needy throughout the year especially over the holidays. Again, this is strictly voluntary. There will be a drop box for donations at my site.

See ya there!