I fished 2 of lake Erie tribs this weekend. About 4 hours fishing in two days and caught one fresh steelhead. Saturday was above freezing and I tried lower Walnut. Only a few fish except for the Manchester hole and a hand full in the shutes above it. No takes or even chases with my streamers and buggers. Sunday I fished Elk in the area of Folleys. It was 28 deg. with guides freezing but I managed one fresh fish about 6 or 7 lbs. There was slush in some area of non moving water and it was a little too cold for this 68 yr old man. I promised a friend a steelhead for Christmas so I was determined to keep my promise. Lucas from Folleys and I fished for about 2 hours. He slipped off a rock and took on some water over his chest waders. About 5 minutes later he was done fishing . Still a very pleasant experience and I did not need to worry about the fish spoiling.
If anyone is going try to find a day or two of warmer weather. The fish were very sluggish and a few degrees can make a big difference especially when the sun is shinning.