Just wondering if anyone would like to get together for some fishing and a picnic afterwards like we used to a few years ago? I was thinking maybe we could meet at Wilhelm for this one, but it doesn't really matter to me where. Wilhelm's pavilions are on a first come basis unless you reserve them. I think the cost to reserve is in the $65-$70 range per day. There are a number of grills and picnic tables so we could have hot dogs or something along those lines. I can provide the hot dogs and buns if we want to go that route.

If interested please reply. I don't know how many are retired or what everyone's schedule is like so maybe let me know if Friday or Saturday is better. If there is enough interest we can work on setting a date and time. Haven't seen some of the old gang in a while and it would be nice to get reacquainted and perhaps make some new friends as well.