This weather has been just horrible!! I know with covid going on a lot of people are staying in as well! Has anyone been out? I am headed out this Wednesday in hopes to connect with a few slabs.. I personally have a 45 minute drive to my preferred fishing hole and the weather has me staying home... I cannot get out of my head that fish bite less in the cold weather and with all these fronts I feel like it would be a rough bite.. I’ve been sitting on my butt waiting for consistent weather and it’s not happening.. do you guys just bite the bullet and go out? I have no problem sitting outside for hours upon hours in cold temperatures, but just feel like I do better on a nice warm sunny day.

I sit at home and watch the weather, early spring I think to myself man it should heat up with a few 50-60 degree days in a row, I gotta be out there.. That warm weather comes and gets knocked down again a few days later. (I’ve fished this and feel like it’s a harder bite). what do you guys look for this time of the year that makes you want to get out? If a cold front passes how long do you think it takes for the bite to turn back on? Can it be immediate or should I wait a few days to get water temp up?!?!?