Quote Originally Posted by Nwpacrappie View Post
Yes sir I will be there May 3 and 4th if anyone is around. I will head down first thing Friday morning and stay until Sunday around 12-1pm. I know the owner of a local golf course who has a kitchen and she’s always willing to keep the kitchen open until after fishing hours! I have 2 other week day trips scheduled as well in May but those ones are a time crunch! I am planning on one more probably the last week of May or first week of June depending when I can get off work. That one will be a little more of an extended stay I hope. Other then that depending on work I could do a weekend day as long as it’s a little in advance.
Hope you’re not too early for the main spawn bite this spring with this extended winter weather. Hopefully they’ll be in the shallows by then. Keith, pick a day and we can all meet up for coffee or something and get to know each other. Everyone that wants too attend can chime in after the day is picked.