On another forum, a few clowns made fun of the fact that I catch bunches of fish using mostly small soft plastics on light jig heads. They target large bass, pike, walleye and other large species going over 5 lbs. in tournaments. My thing is catching fish regardless of size, is the challenge we all share and in my case, catching fish on lures I make or modify (many illustrated on crappie.com).

I did the tournament thing going after bass for 6 years, but got tired of it and the money wasted. Even sold the bass boat.

They claim that only large lures catch big fish, which I've disproven time and again: a 15 lb. carp, 7.5 lb catfish, bass close to 5 lbs, a 4 lb white sucker, and pickerel longer than my arm. Other than that, light tackle and braid are a big challenge when fighting big fish of any species.

Where do they get off?!