What my upcoming schedule will be, and if I’ll feel up to going, I went both days this weekend. Saturday I went to the coast looking for some topwater action. I did my part but the fish were still sleeping. I gave up on the topwater and started throwing a jig of which I changed several times trying to find the magic bullet. The app on my phone said that a feed would come along about 9am. After sitting in a hard rain for about 45 minutes, it stopped and I moved to another area that I’d caught fish before. Early in the day while doing something in the boat, I let my jig drag as the light wind pushed me along. No rod holders means I don’t put the rod down, and I felt it get a good hit and the line came tight. I lifted the rod and tried to set the hook and here he went. Drag was pretty tight and I felt I’d gotten a good hookset. Then he ran off again, nothing I could do but manage the attitude of the rod and keep it tight. I’m talking over the distance of a long cast. Then I felt it slip and a moment later it was gone. The leader was roughed up about 3” up and I believe I had a very good flounder, but I’ll never know. Sure got my adrenaline up. Now ugly clouds loomed and I heard thunder and knew it was time to go. Made a few more casts hoping for at least one fish to the boat before I left. With no action along the shore I was working, but getting a tap now and then and hearing more fish eating out deeper. I’d made up my mind to leave within the next five minutes and with about 8’ of line out I got a good smack and a good hookset, finally, on a good trout just under 21”. Now I could go. Stayed dry and dodged manatees on the way to the ramp. Boat on the trailer I had to wait for a lull to get tied down and traveling.Name:  D336DC75-798C-4726-A328-7DD1C65B0397.jpg
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This morning, Sunday, was forecast for more wind than I like at the coast so a swapped rods and tackle boxes and went to my office. Turned out to be a good choice. Calm winds mostly and I was first to the ramp at 7. That’s unusual. I won’t go into the fish by fish except one. I’ve tried for years to break the ten inch mark with a good coppernose bluegill. I came within an eighth of an inch but still not ten inches. All of these fish fought hard and I had to go after the jig more than usual, so I must’ve caught the feed I missed yesterday. I caught over 25 and just took pics of the good ones. Three Warmouth, three Crappie, two bass, two redbreast and lots of gills. All caught on my favorite head and a Bobby Garland Bitty slab slayer in blue ice. Tried other colors but that was the best. Never had a boat go by, visited with manatees, heard a hen turkey looking for her friends, and more other birds and squirrels than I could count. This was the day I’ve been hoping for when I loaded up, no disappointments. Here’s the pics, sorry, there’s a bunch. Hope y’all get out soon.
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Like I said, a day any of us would be happy with. Pulled just after 11, a long trip for me. God Bless y’all.