Tomorrow is the new 752 Lunakia maiden voyage to the Lake.

So I figured how better to commemorate the event than by just taking its siblings with it.

Pulled the 63 out of the closet and strung her up, as soon as some tension went to the tip, a nice big split showed its ugly self about 4” down from the top guide.

I can only assume from the way it looks that somewhere along the way I have recently hit the tip section in this area good enough to separate the fibers, but not break it off, because the tension on that tip was part of its natural curve while strung up and it did not take any pressure at all, it just kind of collapsed into a right angle. Which of course I knew immediately was not right and my stomach rolled.

Looks like its just the 610 and 752 headed out.

On the hunt now for a new tip section.....