Caught about 20 or 30 bluegill this morning from the bank casting out to some cover. Some were pretty decent size for the local lake, 8-9". Maybe a 10" or two. I could do better if I could get out to some deeper water. They were fat.

Whats the difference in the Trout and Panfish magnets? I've been using the panfish magnet, but don't know why.

Also, what am I going to need to do to get more distance out of these 1/64 oz jigs? My little Fenwick UL and Quick Microlite with 2lb SOS gets me about 30 or 35 feet and runs out of steam. May try my 7' rod tomorrow, but doubt that's going to help much. Will I see much more distance with one of those Leland TCB rods? I'm too clumsy and too cheap to got the JDM route.

Thanks guys.