We all want to catch the biggest specie of fish we are after...but that is not always going to be the case. My last trip out using an XUL Palms Egeria rod with 2# test Night game II PE line really turned what could have been just an OK day on the water into something really good. The knock on area trout rods has been they are too soft and lack sensitivity. That is certainly no longer the case. The Banshee series of area trout rods are as sensitive as one would want. The Palms Egeria series....while sensitive.......is nowhere near the level of a high end area trout rod. But it sure made for a fun day on the water catching decent size bluegill....redbreast, and shell cracker. Try as I might during the Covid 19 lockdown of the world I can not get a high end XUL area trout rod shipped out of Japan. Of course I will have to wait until the mail service to start again but I will acquire a high end area XUL trout rod. Until then....the Palms is sure giving me a lot of fun.....hope you enjoy the video.
