Paula was invited to a "girls day" over at a friends house. So I thought that I would give the husband a call and see if he would be interested in going fishing.

We hit the water at 7 am and headed out into the lake. It didn't take me long to get to my spot that I like. As had been the case so far for me this year, we were the only ones there. I anchored up and got out the rods.

It turns out that Bob was not that familiar with the way I fish or with my type of tackle. So a few pointer on what and how to do thinks and we were in business.

On my second cast it was fish on! It took Bob a bit longer to hone in the technique but then his rod bent. One big Blue gill and one big smile . We were landing fish in the 9 to 10 inch range all morning.
Name:  bluegill fishig with Bob 6-10-19.jpg
Views: 572
Size:  52.2 KB ( Bob's first fish )

I asked Bob how many fish he planed to take home and he said just a few. We had more than that in the live well already. Time to start catch and release .

Then I looked behind me and saw water on the floor boards and it was rising !! We decided to call it a day and head in. before the water in the boat got too deep..

Once we got the boat on the trailer ,I left the drain plug in and started to look for water coming out of the boat. There was none ! upon further inspection it turns out that the water line to the live well come un-done and were were just pumping water into the boat . Easy fix and we are ready to again.

We ended up giving 16 fish a ride home ,each of us keeping 8. Plus all the ones we let go to fight another day. It was a fun day.