When I lived in Central FL I targeted big copperhead bluegill and had good success. Dark blue bodies and a splash of copper across the forehead. I let the river supply the forward motion and the TM to stay off the bank. I used small Beetle Spins, sometimes with a curly tail body, and cast into all the eddies and slack water as I went by. The spinner helped the bait stay off the bottom on a slow retrieve. I also noticed that the catch rate was much better if you had a half a turn on the reel before the bait hit the water so that it instantly went to work. If it fell on slack and then began the interest was much less. The hits were fierce and a 4'6" UL rod had a tough time with a few of em, and the occasional bass was icing on the cake. My favorite drift took about 2 hrs and I always had between 6 and 18 that I couldn't get my hand around. If I could they got to go free. Baked fillets were always popular at my house. I had to get em on my plate quick or the girls had em gone. Good luck putting it all together, tons of fun.