Kinda hard to take a picture. It's just a standard drop shot rig but instead of tying the jigs with a direct knot I use a double overhand to give it a little more action. With this rig basically all I have to do is barely move the rod to get enough action in this 32 degree water. I use the 1/4 once sinker 95 % of the time unless I'm fishing deeper than 25ft and then may go to a 3/8 ounce weight. Main thing I have noticed the cylinder style weight gets through the brush a lot easier than a standard sinker so less hang ups. I always start on the edge of a brush pile and work my way into it. I usually tie my bottom jig around 15 inches above my weight so when I feel the weight hit the brush I know I can lower my rod about 15 inches and have the jig right on top of the brush. I do use light wire jig heads and don't have any problem straightening them out. I know some likes braid but we have figured out over the years if you start puling brush up out of a pile, you might as well go find a different one. Rather re-tie than move brush in a pile and spook the crappie especially in the winter when the water is clear and cold. Also have better luck keeping the sun in our face and not throwing a shadow over the piles in this clear/cold water.