Long awaited this increasingly rare chance to wade out upon the slightly more eroded gravel bar running E to W just NE of the C J Brown Marina this evening. Leeches on a chartreuse “ glow “ floating head jig approx. 18” above just enough split shots to slowly sink it into 10- 12 row gradually working out from the shore under overcast skies enticed several good bites with hopes of a decent fish solidly taking my humble offerings as the evening developed, enjoying the peace and serenity as the lake gradually cleared of boaters… then “ it “ started wailing and yodelling with an unfortunately powerful sound system, from the rental cabin area. Apparently “ it “ was an “ American Idol “ try out 1st round multiple year reject, the earnest if ungawdly and all but screeching ‘ vocals’ were a flattering and faithful rendition of a combination car shredder and completely dry manual shift gear transmission playing live mechanical agony and gear grinding for all of Buck Creek State Park to ‘ enjoy’. A variety of individuals around the area were each in turn heard to futilely and somewhat impolitely comment on the audio assault upon every ear human or not in the vicinity. Oh the in-nobility of this particular unwelcome situation. Since the fish apparently were just as insulted and upset as myself and quit biting and “ it “ was just getting ‘ warmed up ‘ left the gravel bar in less than a cheerful mood…