Upper management made the decision to not work yesterday 8-21-18 due to the weather. Funny thing is in my area it barely rained at all in fact it was 82 and sunny nearly all day. So I headed to a northeast Ohio lake local to me for first time in what feels like forever. Took me a couple casts to get my mojo back but it wasn’t long before I had a crappie on using a white Johnson beetlebou. Managed to catch 16 crappie 8-10” nothing big 8 nice redears biggest was 9” a little green carp & one perch. Caught fish in 2-6fow close to shore in and around weeds and lily pads. Went back and forth between tubes and maribou jigs I’d say they preformed equally the bite wasn’t particularly hot but steady enough to keep my interest for a few hours. All in all it was a great day at the lake something I usually don’t get time to do during the summer months can’t wait for cool fall temps less work and more fishing!Finally got a a chance to catch a few.

Dang app won’t let me upload any pictures I’ll try again later.

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