Having a glass of wine with my girlfriend on the back patio last night while my Husky Sasha is patrolling the perimeter of my fenced in yard, when she stops, digs down a bit, pulls out a very young rabbit which squeaks as she grabs it and then she proceeds to eat it, all while me and my girlfriend are watching. Having had Siberian Huskies for over 20 years this is not an uncommon event for me but it totally traumatized my girlfriend. She if freaking out and yelling at me to do something, I mean, the rabbit is half eaten in less than a minute, what am I suppose to do? I have to be honest and say that it was hard for me not to laugh which luckily I did not.

I am selling my house and have been in this rental for nearly 3 months now and this neighborhood is overrun with rabbits, they are everywhere. I was cutting the grass along this same fence one day and 3 baby rabbits came running out, so this will not be the last time.

How would you handle this? What do I tell her? It will happen again. I would prefer my dog not kill other animals but over the 23 years I have had Siberian Huskies I have seen them kill raccoons, squirrels, opossum, cats, rats, you name it, if it comes into my yard and is not a dog it most likely will not be leaving. (oddly I had a tiny dog get into my yard one day and they were fine with it, I guess they know it's a dog)