Quote Originally Posted by crappiefarmer View Post
Yes, Jim is right on. If what You are looking for is a Pumpkin seed, Phelps Lake has the NC state record in it I'm sure. Some folks around here call them yellow bellies. I have some in a farm pond here but they are small. Some at Phelps will stretch from Your finger tips past your wrist watch. Best time to catch them all year was about 2 weeks ago. they are probably off the beds now but they can still be had.CF
i was bass fishing there about fifteen years ago and a local told me they were catching these speckle gills up to two pounds so i had to give it a try. if the spawn is over fish in the lilly pads on the bottom and hang on. biggest gills have ever seen. only problem is it's a long drive from where i live and back then i had a 18 1/2 bass boat and with the way the lake waves get i wrote this lake off my list. it is a awsome lake for bigger boats.