As I walk down the hall to where the x-ray equipment is located I look into the autopsy room where they have a body with it's brain missing. I tell the autopsy tech (who also takes the x-rays) about the body that I saw and she proudly tells me that she was the one that removed the brain. This is a 30 year old woman. Makes you appreciate your job a bit more doesn't it? I have been there enough times and know that if I look into the room there's no telling what I might see yet I still look at times. The sights don't seem to bother me as it really does look like something from a movie. Now, having worked at the Medical Examiners office in Richmond I can tell you the smells are another story. Anyways, we won't go there. They have a digital unit so I was able to browse through the images on the computer of past x-rays. Sad but interesting at the same time. There are so many shot gun to the head cases. I know when I was in Richmond they were mostly suicide cases. Needless to say I saw some really odd looking skull x-rays. Oh well, I came home for lunch as I am awaiting a phone call from tech support and now it's time to head back. Perhaps you will appreciate your job a bit more now.