Quote Originally Posted by Snubby View Post
Had an employee in 2021 get a back injury. This happened the 1st time I had taken a real vacation in 9 years. Just my luck, all said go enjoy yourself what can happen in a week?? Dying words there for sure, lol.

So I was out west, story told he came in Monday fine, by 8am he sprained his back bending over to get a tool. Lead man said you fine and worked him all week. I come back the following Monday and he comes limping in or more less a slow crawl. I got the scoop on the injury as was hot to say the least, he shouldn't have been coming to work period! Told him take day-off go see a Dr. now!

So he proceeds to Dr. with company insurance. Nurse Practitioner examines and X rays serious sprain in lower back. Here's a Doctors note for work off / paid leave for a week and here's a pain med script come see me in 7 days. This went on for 7 weeks! I finally filed a a workman's comp claim on him. Within 2 days they had him at a specialist for MRI / Cat Scan the works! Turns out bulged disc L1 / L2.

Long story short, if your having persistent back (or any lingering ailment) pain for a few days or more it's probably serious and don't just go to Primary doctors especially NP only. Seek out a specialist. I won't comment on the dynamics of our healthcare, I could be ousted
Pretty much what I did . Never had a back issue in my life . was one disk. Shaved it off last Monday after 7 weeks of heck . Back never hurt ,just pain in hip , leg and knee .Told me it would heal on its own so that was the plan for about a month . I hollered calf- rope .Told them that if they gave me medical marijuana , it would look like a dumpster fire . lol