Ok long post I’m sure. Was supposed to get out at 2:30. Finally got out at 8:15 or so. Had to sleep in recliner because hurting to bad to lay down. Got a little sleep but not hurting quite so bad today. I’m sore but most pain is from gas they use. Since they did this robotic they pump stomach full of inert gas and inject it between muscle layers to stabilize everything. Then when it’s over it just has to migrate its way out and no painkiller will touch it. But from past experience of having part of colon removed it sure beats being sliced open. He was able to roll kidney over and remove tumor and just a small slice of the kidney. Told me they searched around and took some more biopsy’s and no other signs of cancer. And thank the good lord this was stage one so looks like no chemo or radiation this time. Thanks to all of you for checking on me and keeping me in your prayers. Especially G, enevatoter, Slabbin, Jigflinger for touching base with my wife. It’s a big comfort for her to know there are folks like you guys out there praying and checking up on me. And all the guys who have PM,and texted for updates and well wishes. I appreciate each and everyone of you guys. And a special thank you to Buckeyecrappie whom I have never met. Him his wife and his church has kept me in their prayers and pm almost dail since it was first posted. Especially since he already has a plate full of health issues to deal with himself it is greatly appreciated. I know I’ll leave something and someone out but know it’s not on purpose. With all that anstisia still in me I’m still kinda foggy. But getting better every hour it seems.