Quote Originally Posted by Rees Guide View Post
The outpouring of calls, texts, messages and post here have been overwhelming. and yall could never understand how much it really means to Barbie and us. She told me just a little while ago that she feels that the prayers are working and to please keep them coming. As soon as we know arrangements we will post them, at this point we just don't know.
Don't go to sleep tonight without telling the ones you love how you feel about them, you never know what is in store next.
Thanks C.C
John there is a shadow hanging over the folks of the MS board and probably the rest of c.c itself. If you met Mike just once you knew he was one of those larger than life people. Alot of us saw how you and he were connected and commited to a friendship of a life time. His post about Barbies deer beamed with pride as if he had shot the Hartford stag himself. We grieve as a community, we feel the pain of his void with you and family. I wish my words could ease the pain but we all know better. Just know whatever we can do to help we will. It is at times like this that make crappie.com a family, not a website.
Anything at all, Downsouth & a bunch more folks of the c.c clan.