As oil and gas prices skyrocket, Congress continues to play the blame game. In April 2006, with the Democrats poised to take over Congress with Nancy Pelosi at the helm, she released a statement saying, "With skyrocketing gas prices, it is clear that the American people can no longer afford the Republican Rubber Stamp Congress." She followed that with the commitment, "Democrats have a common sense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging." So has the Democrat's commonsense plan worked? Average gas prices were about $2.50 a gallon at the time. Now they're $4 a gallon and rising. Some crack-down plan.

The above quote is from

It's nothing more than the blame game. While Congress on both sides of the fence sticks it to the American People. None of them seem to be in touch with normal Americans. ALL of them only relate to the almighty $$$.

I for one think we should all contact our own Representatives and voice our concerns. Congress listened to the people on the Imigration Act last year.

We should all be sick and tired of Congress doing what they want, and ignoring the needs of the People.

On another note, Taxes are way out of hand and they seem to be wanting more and more vs. using what they have wisely. I think the "Fair Tax" is a viable solution.

It high time our Government goes back to work for us.