to the details , even though its said a mask don't help ,it in fact does because it trains you NOT to touch your nose and mouth .
this virus lives for long periods of time on surfaces and as we go about our daily lives we touch all kinds of things .
wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and DO NOT touch you eyes nose or mouth if possible . its almost impossible to do but it could be a life saver .
the little things count big right now and from what I read and understand about this current mess ,this virus is WAY more contagious than anything we have EVER seen before .
I don't want to alarm you or create a panic but better safe than sorry .
avoidance of gatherings and staying 6 feet or more away from people right now is a must and even though we will all suffer from the collateral damage this mess is causing it would be great if everyone survives it to rebuild the future after its gone its path .
I am sorry to have to post something this sad and serious but in this case I for sure aint playing around and even though I like to yuk it up I aint right about now !
please stay safe out there everyone