My father-in-law was diagnosed with prostate cancer just a few short weeks ago. Luckily, it was early stage and the survival rate is 100%. We drove up to St. Louis last Friday to be there for him and mom during surgery. It was done with the DaVinci robot. We saw an example video of it - the patient is on the table with this machine above and the doc is over at a monitor with joysticks and a microscope lens! Looks like he's playin Pac Man!

So, dad-in-law has 6 small holes in his belly, 5 of which you can cover with a regular bandaid and the sixth not much bigger (this was the hole they pulled his prostate gland out through) He was in the hospital for just 24 hours and will not have to go through any chemo. How cool is that!!! Now, I'm not saying he doesn't have some pain, and bless his heart, he's 67 years old and has never had any "major" surgery, so he didn't really know what to expect. He's now 6 days post op and doing pretty well.