Two long time deer hunters tired of getting skunked every year fall upon a plan. They decide to dress up in the costume of a female deer for the first day. Ralph decides to operate the front half and George the back.

Opening day early in the morning they find a likely looking spot on the edge of a clearing. Ralph toots on the " doe in heat " call. After about 45 mintues they hear a commotion coming through the brush. Out into the middle of the clearing steps the biggest buck Ralph or George has ever seen.

The buck is in full rut and just bursting with eagerness. Now is when the plan goes awry. In his haste and excitement George has managed to jam the zipper tight. Regrardless of how they tug and pull they remain trapped inside the costume. Quite unable to step out grab their guns and shoot the tremendous buck in front of them.

George whispers to Ralph what do we do now. Ralph says " I plan on pretending to be nibbling on grass. If I were you though I would be bracing myself as fast as possible.