Ive got to vent this mcdonalds is promoting 365 black. If u want to read this just google 365 black. Im by noway a prejustice person I have many friends of different races, and dont want this to turn into no races war but we all must get through this with the same laws. All im saying if hardees had a 365 white there would be signs everywhere and the media would be all over this. If your a man or woman and treat me with respect Ill treat you with respect thats all I ask for but I'll never eat no mcdonalds as long as they keep promoting this behavior. tHey have alot of backing in this including naacp which I dont agree with but I also think there was a time it was needed. All Im saying is you cant put a fire out with gasoline. I really hope this doesnt offend no one but thats my feeling on this subject.. later