I went over to Toledo Bend on Friday with cdc member vbottom to fish with some friends. On the way I passed through the town of Robeline on hwy 6. Little did I know, Robeline is rated as one of the top speed traps in the state. Coming in from the east the speed limit is 55 then there is a sign that says 35 mph ahead then a couple hundred feet a 35 mph sign. Now I'm not saying I wasn't going over the speed limit when I hit the 35mph sign, I may have been. But to slow from 55 to 35 in that short of distance without braking hard would be difficult to do. I'm not looking for sympathy, just venting. From doing a little research it looks like it will cost me over 300.00 to pay the fine. Maybe that's why Robeline takes in over a half a million dollars a year in traffic fines. Not bad for a town of 170 people. Oh well, we did catch some nice crappie.