I always try to avoid going out on weekends this time of year because of all the boat traffic but when I looked in my bait cooler yesterday I found I had at least 3 dz minnows left over from thur nite. I knew they wouldn't last 'til my next planned trip on Sun without alot of babying so I decide I would brave the wakes and waves of a Fri nite and at least go for a short time. I was anxious to try a spot that would be out of the wind but when I got there a boatload of crappie fisherman was already set up. So I went to the old stand by spot and there were a ton of waterskiers chopping up the water so I headed across the lake for spot choice #3. Got set up in a main channel cove at dark. For the first hour it was dead but in the next hour I caught 5 slabs. Then the action settled down alittle but kept going steady. By the time I pulled anchors I had caught 17 crappies and a big bass. I kept 14 really nice crappies---11 of em slabs. 20' deep give or take a coupla feet was the hot depth. I couldn't believe that almost every fish I pulled in was huge. It was fun to get into some slabs after catching small to average fish the last time out. The wind never changed as promised by the weatherman and the boat traffic was heavy 'til I finished at 1:30 and the anchor was sloppy but it was still a great nite.