Didn't catch much (one fat catfish) so this is more of a conditions report.

Went to the dam for the clean water and found the water to be in decent shape, stained but not muddy. In the crosspoint cove near the ramp the seagulls were going nuts, and I was marking baitfish and perhaps some gamefish in 5-15 fow. I said "hell yeah" and switched out my poles for long lining jigs in the 5 to 15 foot range. Was expecting some bites but got nothing.

Back to original game plan of tight lining minnows in deep water, hit the main lake. Fish all over the water column but most was concentrated at the 20 foot depth. Tried 3 cranks off the bottom and tried fishing the 20 foot depth but didn't get any takers other than one catfish.

Bait was so thick in places my depth reader thought it was the bottom on several occasions :D

Beautiful day on the lake, lots of boats probably because Jordan was a mess. Water temp 46-48 degrees.