After some serious discussion it has been decided the culprit in this weather problem is brettw ! He was the first to post about snow for the weekend. Then kept updating every day. Well Gee Thanks. !! But after funning him about it, in the best interest of all we gonna put this thing off one last time. Have been on the phone all day with folks wanting to go ahead. Then they changed over to let's call it off. Well it is called off ! Now look close cause only gonna get one more try this year. Next Sat. Dec. 16 at Wildlife Ramp off Bringle Ferry Road. Aint no room for a vote or a can we do it this day. Next Sat. is the day for the N.C / S.C. Clash of 2017 ! So everyone that was wanting to be there this week ya got to wait another week . Sorry. My boat is loaded and the truck backed up to it. But she can wait for better times. Sorry guys but it is hard to fool mother nature. The ones that couldn't make this week can try for next week. And if brett post any weather reports ,I know where he lives and got a new shovel for Christmas ! Pickin ya hard aint we buddy.Now load up that yacht of yours and come with us.