So currently in the Neuse and Tar River very few striped bass are making it to an effective spawning size. Almost all fish in them are stocked fish based on genetics work done by the Wildlife Commission so there is essentially no natural reproduction. We are paying to raise those fish and it appears a large portion of the fish are being caught by commercial fishermen and sold or thrown back dead if out of season. NC Wildlife Commission has taken action by increasing the size limit in inland waters so that the fish can reach a more effective breeding size while NC Marine Fisheries has done essentially nothing. The commercial fishing industry came out strong against the Wildlfe folks doing anything in inland waters. A bill has been introduced to end the commercial harvest in the Neuse, Tar and Pamlico Sound. Based on Marine Fisheries this would impact around 168 fishermen who report selling about $408 of striped bass a year so not a huge financial impact. Take a few minutes and let your NC House Rep know your thoughts.