4/8 Falls Lake NC BigEyeCrappieman Crappie Fishing Series Results.

Today started out Beautiful and remained like that through out the day.
Turkey's were heard Gobbling all morning. Eagles and Osprey were common sights throughout the day. I spotted the largest Snapping Turtle I've ever seen. I think it had grass growing on its back .
1st Day of Turkey Season and people sick and some working caused the turn out to be a little down today but the excitement on the water was up!! The bite started early and was off and on during the day . The Husband and Wife Team of Drew and Jessica Smith had two Big fish by 7:15 am . The Fishing Smith's would go on the Best the 12 Teams that showed up. The Big Fish of Day was a 1.985 Lb Beautiful White Crappie That was caught by the BigEyeCrappieman. The fish beat out Drew and Jessica's big fish by just a couple of thousandths of an ounce. But the Smiths best out The BigEyeCrappieman for 1st Place by over a pound. Congratulations to the Fishing Smith's. Here are the Full Results.

1st Place Drew and Jessica Smith - 7 Fish- 12.020lbs Big Fish- 1.965 lbs

2nd Place - Rod King The BigEyeCrappieman- 11.000 lbs
Big Fish - 1.985 lbs

3rd Place - Chad Meeks & Randy Wilkins- 10.885 lbs. BF- 1.815 lbs

4th- Chester and Aaron Eubanks - 9.650 lbs BF- 1.805 lbs

5th Place - Freddie Sinclair & Blake Sinclair - 9.230 lbs BF- 1.620 lbs

6th Place - Tony Auclair ( Red Boat ) 7.810 lbs BF - 1.710lbs

7th Place - Jeff Dalton & Glenn Sykes & Stanley Dalton . 7.110 lbs BF - 1.605 lbs

8th Place - Eddie Clifton - 5.160 lbs BF - 1.425 lbs

9th Place - Charles Henderson & Dennis Reynolds & Jim Fisher - 4.850 lbs

Teams 10 , 11 , 12 did not weigh fish

We talked about the Israelites in the Book of Exodus from The Holy Bible. When Almighty God provided a way for them to escape the death by the Egyptians by parting the waters of the Red Sea . Allowing them to make it to the other side! But their enemy would not come out alive . For every single Egyptian died that day . They went into the water but did not come out . We talked about that water representing the grave and how only those having Faith in Jesus would come out of the grave . To walk in a New Life Devoted To Christ . Those without Christ would die and remain in the grave . Every single person without Christ will be separated from God forever.

And last but not Least . The Championship Tournament Next Saturday 4/15 will be held On Jordan Lake NC and Harris Lake NC. Please stay tuned this week for more details about Championship on Facebook page Bigeyecrappieman Fishing Events and on Crappie.com . Tournament format will be explained . Have great evening. Go praise God some where tomorrow morning and may He continue to Bless you Always ! So Long from The BigEyeCrappieman! 🐟