Decided to wet a line yesterday (Saturday) since I was at the lake to apply new registration sticker. Lake was flat with nearly no wind. Hit the area where I normally fish and perhaps 5 minutes later, a gust of wind hit!!! ... I felt like I was auditioning for a remake of Gilligan's Island!!! ... Needless to say, I cut it short as trying to anchor, much less slowly drift wasn't happening. Located fish on the finder in 14' suspended about 5-7 ft. Couldn't get them to hit anything!!! .. Nothing! .. (didn't have any minnows to try as the bait shop is closed due to renovations. No matter what I tried/used. Different color jigs etc.

Water temp was 44 degrees. Question, is that too cold for the crappies to bite? ... slow presentations wasn't happening at all (due to the high winds).

Better luck next time. always good to go out!!!! ... I'll give it a week or so, hopefully the temps will become steady thus warming the water some.